[SOLVED] Using Placeholders in Email Subject

Is it possible to use placeholders in email subject. If not can you please suggest the necessary changes in code to enable this.

I Have found the solution

Adding following line on /admin/sendemaillib.php after line No: 977 (probable in my case)

$subject = parsePlaceHolders($subject, $user_att_values);

Add above line after

if (!TEST) {
if ($hash != ‘forwarded’ || !count($forwardedby)) {
$fromname = $cached[$messageid][‘fromname’];
$fromemail = $cached[$messageid][‘fromemail’];
$subject = $cached[$messageid][‘subject’];
} else {
$fromname = ‘’;
$fromemail = $forwardedby[‘email’];
$subject = $GLOBALS[‘strFwd’] . ': ’ . $cached[$messageid][‘subject’];

Does this work in current version? Also I don’t clearly understand “Add above line after”. Does it mean add the first code above that second chunk of code?

Oh I get it it means add the Above code AFTER that chunk of code. I will test if it works.