phpList 3.6.4 SMTP code: 550


after Update to 3.6.4 the mail send fails. Newsletter dispatch is ok.

Fehler beim Senden der E-Mail an The following From address failed: : MAIL FROM command failed,Submission must be authenticated ,550,SMTP server error: MAIL FROM command failed Detail: Submission must be authenticated SMTP code: 550SMTP server error: MAIL FROM command failed Detail: Submission must be authenticated SMTP code: 550

@Tanja Which release did you upgrade from? It sounds like there has been a signification change in the phpmailer package which is used by phplist.

3.6.3. I downgrade back to check. No problems. But since 3.6.4.

@Tanja I think that the problem might be caused by the use of a new config setting PHPMAILERSUBSCRIBEHOST. See this issue that I have raised PHPMAILERSUBSCRIBEHOST does not use smtp username and password · Issue #790 · phpList/phplist3 · GitHub

It might be best to remain on 3.6.3 until this is resolved.

“downgrade is not supported” when I use the auto-update for phplist 3.6.4.

Seems to be a similar problem as with 3.6.3

I think it should work when you put this in your config file


same error, doesn’t work for me
phplist 3.6.4

That’s very strange. That must be something else. This line definitely says that if this constant is empty, then go to the next option

If you want to be sure, change this line


} elseif (!$this->inBlast && empty($_SESSION['adminloggedin']) &&


} elseif (false && !$this->inBlast && empty($_SESSION['adminloggedin']) &&

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Besten Dank :+1: works fine

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I also faces same problem when someone register the mailing list.
There are no error with version 3.6.3, only on 3.6.4 for me.

event log:
SMTP Error: The following recipients failed: : Relay access denied

and, fixe with @michiel 's solution.

} elseif (false && !$this->inBlast && empty($_SESSION[‘adminloggedin’]) &&
Thank you!!

I hope the error will be fixed with next version.