How to switch off blacklisting?

Hello everyone!

I am running phpList v3.0.12. I have just one active list. The problem is that when the users unsubscribe, they automaticaly get blacklisted. It causes some problems, because when they want to resubscribe (apparently many of them unsuscribes by mistake), they are not able. When trying to subscribe again we get a message:

A subscriber with that address already existsVisit the preferences page to update your information. with a link, when we follow it, we have another email form and the next page says:

Your email is listed in our “Do not send” list, which means that you have requested us never to send you any more newsletters.

In order to receive newsletters again, manual intervention is required
by our administrator. Please contact us stating explicitly that you want
to receive newsletters again.

So we need to un-blacklist the user manually. The problem is that there are relatively many users and I don’t want to deal with each case manually. The best would be to remove the address completely when they unsubscribe, so that they can subscribe themselves. I don’t need the feature of blacklisting as deletion of email would prevent from sending them email again anyway (and we don’t harvest emails and are not in danger of subscribing someone automatically).

Is there any mod, can you advise any code modification?


See this section in config.php

## silent resubscribe
# when someone signs up with an email address already in the database, 
# phpList will simply accept it and subscribe them as if it is the first time
# however, that allows anyone to overwrite data of someone else
# see also
# if you don't like that, you can stop this from happening and send the subscriber to the
# preferences page instead. To do so, uncomment (remove the #) the next line

The default is ‘true’ which allows resubscription in the way that you want. So I guess that you may have set this to be false by mistake.

Thank you, It looks like problem solved.

Hello again,

The bad news is that it only seemed to solve the problem, what it did, was that the script didn’t complain that this email is blacklisted. After unsubscribe we got blacklisted and signed out of the list. When subscribing again, we got confirmation email with link and afterwords a success message (with information that we already received your confirmation previously). So afterwards the email is assigned to the list but still blacklisted and requireing manual un-blacklist.

Any ideas how to solve this?


Ah right. That is a “known problem” with 3.0.12, see this other topic Re-subscribing leaves users still blacklisted

It’s been a long time coming but it should be fixed in the next release. You could upgrade to the release candidate 3.2.0 RC1 but that should be replaced by the full release shortly in case you don’t want to upgrade twice

Yes, looks like Monday or Tuesday for the new version, we are just dealing with one remaining bug.