Blank admin : "invisible home" body class

Hello !
I’ve seen this topic, but the solution doesn’t work anymore.

I’ve phplists v3.6.14, php 8.2, and when I go to the admin page or login, the invisible class for “home” page is still here. Anything appears but html is here in the console panel.

Temporarily, I’ve added in /lists/admin/index.php at line 491 :

echo '<script type="text/javascript" src="ui/phplist-ui-bootlist/js/jquery.min.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="js/phplistapp.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="ui/phplist-ui-bootlist/js/dist/phpList_ui_bootlist.min.js"></script>';

And all appears. But in the admin dashboard, if all works in home page, when I go on a submenu (campains, statistics, …) and click on it, from the statistic page, or another (all axcept homepage), the menus on the left doesn’t works anymore (the menus no longer unfold).

I don’t understand why I have some front issues like that, I never had this before !

@Unsiteavous Possibly some javascript is not being loaded successfully. Use the developer tools in the browser to see whether any network requests are failing.