What's the best way to resend a campaign that has already been sent? (I'm still testing)

I have changed the name of a campaign, queued and processed but I’m still stuck with phpList log saying all went went but but “0 to process” because it was already sent.

Other than copy and pasting the contents to a new campaign can a previously used campaign be “tricked” into sending it out again?

thanks in advance,

If you have access to phpMyAdmin then it’s possible.

phpList records in table username_usermessage which campaigns each user has been sent, and also if they were opened. When you requeue a campaign the system looks at this table and will send the campaign to any users for whom there is no entry for that campaign in the table. In normal usage this is a way to send a campaign to people who signed up since the campaign in question was first sent.

If you edit the table to delete the records for that campaign then on requeing the campaign will be sent again. The SQL to use would be something like
DELETE FROM username_usermessage WHERE messageid = n
obviously substituting actual values for the bits in italics.

Thank you Roger,

In other words, someone like myself should cut and paste into a new campaign :slight_smile:

In normal usage this is a way to send a campaign to people who signed up since the campaign in question was first sent.

very interesting, that makes sense.

best regards, and thanks to all that have helped me get started with phpList

@oatmeal You can use the Campaigns plugin to resend a campaign to specific subscribers. It does what @Cornwell described for the usermessage table, but also can remove bounce records.
On the Manage Plugins page follow the “Find Plugins” link.

Hi Duncan

Thank you, I didn’t realize there were so many plugins available. And thanks for writing this plugin too!

I did find that the link to “find plugins” on the Config/Manage Plugin page is not loading for me - http://resources.phplist.com/plugins/

Changing the link/URL to https works. Is this a known error in v3.6.0?

Hi Duncan -

Also your Captcha plugin is terrific!
