What is the Rate link while editing a campaign?

While editing campaigns there is a Rate link with a seemingly completely unrelated tooltip. What am I missing? I rather not click it in case it actually sends the draft.


@lwc Have you tried viewing the html source of the page to see what is behind the link? This does not appear for me so I guess that you have made some local changes to the phplist code.

Also, the “Message ID” field should not be there. It might just be a translation problem, what appears when you click the ? icon?

Further, the text “Create a campaign to send” does not appear in the phplist code. Which version of phplist are you using?

The quite new v3…6.13 while all plugins are just the built-in ones and they’re all disabled anyway except for the default editor.

About Message ID, clicking the help displays “Sorry, this help topic does not exist in your language. generatetextpreview”, but I use English:

The HTML behind it is:

<a class="ajaxable " href="./?page=send&tab=Content&id=179&action=generatetextpreview&tk=204134b306f017db96cd25f38d5ead7c" title="Create a campaign to send out to your subscribers">Rate</a>

I’ve decided to click it and clicking it just deletes the element (i.e. deletes the <a element) and fills a very short 1 liner in the preview:

@lwc It is a translation problem. You have enabled USE_MESSAGE_PREVIEW in config.php which tries to show an inbox preview, which is the first chunk of text in the body of the email.

The caption “Message ID” should be “Message preview” and the “Rate” link should be “Generate”. Together these make more sense.

Isn’t it a bug then? It was reported last month just in case.

Also, it’s obviously more than translation because as mentioned clicking it does nothing (instead of previewing).

@lwc The translations are correct now. You should be able to update the English translations through menu System > Update translations.

Thanks! So was it a bug after all? Would it have been updated automatically eventually?

In any case the fix was only partial:

Still happens
2. The tooltip of Generate (which correctly replaced Rate) still states: