Using atributes on from field

I have a list of subscrivers that report to diferent services on my organization.
I need to send a campaign but i must reference the from email to the service each subscriver of that list reports to. One of the attributes is the email of the service each subscriver reports.
My question is: Can i use that attribute in the FROM field of the campaign?
Magda Correia

Hi @magdacorreia and a belated welcome to the phpList forum!

This plugin does what you want for campaign subject text:

I presume that using placeholders in the sender address is not supported by this plugin or by phpList core, but the plugin could probably be tweaked to support the sender as well as the subject.

I can’t find examples of anyone else requesting this feature over the last 19 years of phpList’s existence - seems like a pretty unique use case.

If it’s critical functionality for you then direct message me and we can explore options for adding it for you under contract.