Thank you! - Free Software Day

Hello everyone,

other than Valentine’s day, February 14th is “I love Free Software Day“. This is a tradition launched by Free Software Foundation Europe (FSFE) as a day to say “Thank you” to everyone who is engaged with Open Source.

“Open Source” does not reflect only the conviction of the source code being open and free, but it reflects our dedication to an Open Source Culture. Technology is about making societies evolve with innovative ideas. The more people are engaged with this effort, the more ideas we have on the table. “Open Source Culture” encourages communication among large groups of people no matter where they are based, no matter educational background, skin color, sexual orientation, mental or physical disability.

phpList has been around for many years and the latest version that you can freely download is the result of the work of many people who have spent many hours writing code, writing documentation, testing, translating strings, writing blogposts, etc!

I would like to thank each and everyone of you!

Last year we wrote an actual love letter to Free Software. You can check it here:

Enjoy phpList!