I would like to setup a script to update (or insert) users from an external database every night.
Is there some phplist command/component already prepared to accomplish that task?
If not, would be safe to just write to phplist user/attributes tables?
It seems that, if the email field is blank, the user is imported with blank email, and not with “invalid mail [n]” text, like the gui process.
Is it by design?
@alex.zambonin You should probably use the phplist page to import a file instead. When I replied to your post I couldn’t remember the syntax but it is very similar
Thank you Duncan, it worked.
But wouldn’t be possibile to accomplish the same task through the APIs?
If yes, how can I enable the APIs? I mean: following these instructions I cannot find the config_modules.yml file on production environment.
I have it in my local environment and it says: # This file is autogenerated. Please do not edit, so I don’t understand what to do exactly.