[SOLVED] Hide fields in subscriber preferences update page

I have imported lists from Salesforce and retained some fields which hold Salesforce info (such as Salesforce ID). If someone clicks the link at the bottom of an email to update their preferences however, these fields are shown - how can I hide them so that they are only ale to update items such as their email address?

If you look at the source code for the update preferences, you can use a ‘hidden’ command to include one of the attributes, but keep it hidden on the update form.

more info here:


Hi Dan, where could I access the ‘source code for the update preferences’? - I don’t see anywhere in the php list interface that gives me such access.

Many thanks


@AlexWakatobi You need to edit your subscribe page. On there you can select which attributes you want to be displayed, the “Select the attributes to use” section.

Got it!

Many thanks
