Smtp connection failed error in phplist

I couldn’t send campaign in php list.It shows smtp connection failed error. I have done an smtp connection in config.php file still i couldn,t clear the error. How to set smtp in phplist without this error while sending test mail?

It shows error like this :point_down:

Sent test mail to: FAILED

please help me how to setup smtp in config.php to send mail and also to clear the error as soon as possible.

Thanks in advance.

is the test email an “existing subscriber”?

1 Like

yes test email is existing subscriber. I think problem is with smtp connection.

my config.php code is



** ==============================================================================================================*

** The minimum requirements to get phpList working are in this file.*
** If you are interested in tweaking more options, check out the config_extended.php file*
** or visit system:config [phpList Resources]*

** ** NOTE: To use options from config_extended.php, you need to copy them to this file ***



// what is your Mysql database server hostname
$database_host = ‘localhost’;

// what is the name of the database we are using
$database_name = ‘pritdigi_phplistdb’;

// what user has access to this database
$database_user = ‘pritdigi_phplist’;

// and what is the password to login to control the database
$database_password = ‘prince@444’;

// if you have an SMTP server, set it here. Otherwise it will use the normal php mail() function

//# if your SMTP server is called “” you enter this below like this:
//# define(“PHPMAILERHOST”,‘’);

define(‘PHPMAILERHOST’, ‘localhost’);

// if TEST is set to 1 (not 0) it will not actually send ANY messages, but display what it would have sent
// this is here, to make sure you edited the config file and mails are not sent “accidentally”
// on unmanaged systems

define(‘TEST’, 0);


** Settings for handling bounces*

** This section is OPTIONAL, and not necessary to send out mailings, but it is highly recommended to correctly*
** set up bounce processing. Without processing of bounces your system will end up sending large amounts of*
** unnecessary messages, which overloads your own server, the receiving servers and internet traffic as a whole*



// Message envelope.

// This is the address that most bounces will be delivered to
// Your should make this an address that no PERSON reads
// but a mailbox that phpList can empty every so often, to process the bounces

// $message_envelope = ‘listbounces@yourdomain’;

// Handling bounces. Check README.bounces for more info
// This can be ‘pop’ or ‘mbox’
$bounce_protocol = ‘pop’;

// set this to 0, if you set up a cron to download bounces regularly by using the
// commandline option. If this is 0, users cannot run the page from the web
// frontend. Read README.commandline to find out how to set it up on the
// commandline

// when the protocol is pop, specify these three
$bounce_mailbox_host = ‘localhost’;
$bounce_mailbox_user = ‘popuser’;
$bounce_mailbox_password = ‘password’;

// the “port” is the remote port of the connection to retrieve the emails
// the default should be fine but if it doesn’t work, you can try the second
// one. To do that, add a # before the first line and take off the one before the
// second line
$bounce_mailbox_port = ‘110/pop3/notls’;
//$bounce_mailbox_port = “110/pop3”;

// it’s getting more common to have secure connections, in which case you probably want to use
//$bounce_mailbox_port = “995/pop3/ssl/novalidate-cert”;

// when the protocol is mbox specify this one
// it needs to be a local file in mbox format, accessible to your webserver user
$bounce_mailbox = ‘/var/mail/listbounces’;

// set this to 0 if you want to keep your messages in the mailbox. this is potentially
// a problem, because bounces will be counted multiple times, so only do this if you are
// testing things.
$bounce_mailbox_purge = 1;

// set this to 0 if you want to keep unprocessed messages in the mailbox. Unprocessed
// messages are messages that could not be matched with a user in the system
// messages are still downloaded into phpList, so it is safe to delete them from
// the mailbox and view them in phpList
$bounce_mailbox_purge_unprocessed = 1;

// how many bounces in a row need to have occurred for a user to be marked unconfirmed
$bounce_unsubscribe_threshold = 5;

// choose the hash method for password
// check the extended config for more info
// in most cases, it is fine to leave this as it is
define(‘HASH_ALGO’, ‘sha256’);

please help if there is any error in code.

Thanks in advance

@Keerthi You can add a setting to config.php to show smtp debug. See this old topic

could you please tell me where to place this define(‘PHPMAILER_SMTP_DEBUG’, 2); in my config.php

@Keerthi Anywhere, the position does not matter.

ok thank you,
but where to setup smtp connection in my config.php.

You have already done that. Ask your system admin for advice if you don’t understand how to configure phplist.