Single Sign-On / OAuth 2.0 for admin users in phplist


For a local phplist installation (latest 3.3.1) we’d like to implement Single Sign-On / OAuth 2.0 login for the administrators (for example at … We can’t find any similar threads in the forum or existing plugins (at and we were wondering if something already exists or if not, how does one go about creating a plugin for that? What functions should be implemented? Where should the plugin be placed? We found some related resources at and at but we’re not sure how up to date they are. Any pointers would be appreciated.


@kasioumis Those documentation pages are probably all there is regarding authentication, but there is quite a bit of documentation on plugins in general at

There are a few plugins that do some sort of SSO so might be used as a starting point. All publicly available plugins are on GitHub.

@kasioumis The REST API V2 is an example of a plugin which uses authentication plugin hooks to sign in users remotely. It may be useful as a reference.

@samtuke, you are referring to this one: phplist-plugin-restapi, right? Thanks for the pointer!

@kasioumis Yes that’s right, and specifically V2 (that repository contains two separate versions of the plugin with separate features and codebases).