I would like to ensure that through a script I can pre-configure an email in html and that via phplist I can send the email to a list without necessarily having to compile the html email from the web interface. Is it possible to do this?
@mgraps If you are able to code in php then the REST API plugin might do what you want. See plugin:restapi [phpList Resources]
@mgraps It appears that the documentation site has been reorganised, the URL is now plugin:restapi [phpList Resources]
@duncanc Can you help me with a docs about all API available?
I can’t install the plugin from the graphical interface because the find plugin button sends me to an error page on the phplist site.
I tried following this link API and integrations | phpList manual %20System%20requirements%20The,7%20Enable%20API%20logging%208%20Supported%20API%20actions
but it doesn’t work and when I try the curl command it returns connection reset, I don’t even see anything via the web
curl --request POST --url http://localhost/lists/api/v2/sessions --header ‘Content-Type: application/json’–data ‘{“login_name”: “admin”,“password”: “phplist”}’
curl: (56) Recv failure: Connection was reset
Is there any documentation with all available APIs?
The Find button doesn’t work now because of the reorganisation of the documentation site. That’s an error by whoever did that.
You install the RESTAPI plugin on the Plugins page using the package URL https://github.com/phpList/phplist-plugin-restapi/archive/master.zip
Is there any documentation with all available APIs?
@mgraps There is a menu item System > RESTAPI Main that has some links. But you probably will need to look at the php source code at some point.