Removing a subscriber


Whenever a mailing is sent through a specific list I get a bounce back for an address that does not show up in the subscribers list when I search for it. Any ideas where to find it or where to delete it?


mmm, odd. If it’s not in your subscribers database (check really carefully the spelling, no spaces before and after etc) then it’s possibly not something you can fix - ie: must be something going on after the campaign leaves your system, maybe someone has a forwarding system that is broken.

So if you send a mail to and all those mails are automatically forwarded to but that mailbox is full then i think you would get a bounce like this.

You may be able to use some of the unique id information in the returned bounce to locate the original subscriber, but not sure how or which info would be best.

if you look at the source of the email, look for header that says “List-Unsubscribe”, there will be a url after that header.

Copy that header, and paste it into the browser, and it should bring up the contact.
If the header is removed, you might be out of luck.

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Thank You. I did find there was some forwarding going on. I removed that email and hopefully that will resolve the issue