Remote sending issues

Having a go at using phplists remote sending. Have registered for an account and entered my api key into phplists.

Everything seems to go OK and I get " Remote queue processing has been activated successfully" when I click “process queue”. When I look at phplists admin, it say that the messages were sent, but when I log in at account overview>>status it say that no messages are sent.

No idea where to start troubleshooting as there are no error message.

Also, failing this, I’d like to try and set up a cron job. But now I can’t find a way to remove the remote queue processing. If I try to delet the api key and save, it just puts it back in again

where is your phpList hosted? If it’s hosted by, the you’ll need to figure it out with them. I would recommend using a cron job if you have it hosted in another location.