Process bounces from a google email using XOAUTH2

Less security applications passwords stopped working on 2022 for gmail accounts, and will stop on september 2024 for Google Workspace accounts. So, my PHPList installation will stop processing bounces.
I’ve already fixed this for my main website, using OAuth2 and phpmailer. ¿Have someone implemented this method in phplist? ¿Are you planning to add this feature in the near future?

@edvargrieg There is a new release of the OAuth plugin that supports OAuth with Gmail and hopefully Google Apps. It works for retrieving and sending through my personal gmail account.

See plugin:oauth2 [phpList Resources] for details
You will need to create a new application to get a client id, etc.

Thank you very much. I installed and tried to get the access token, but when the browser returns to PHPList from Google OAuth screen, it goes to the PHPList login window:

That it means the session was closed, so the token is not saved.

  1. My PHPList installation is in a subdomain. I don’t know if that could be the problem.
  2. I leaved blank the field “Tenant ID”, because didn’t know what to enter.

Any suggestion?

@edvargrieg Have you made the change to the config.php file explained here plugin:oauth2 [phpList Resources]

I’m very sorry. I forgot that. Thank you very much. That was the problem. I could get the access token.
Now I tried to process bounces with Oauth, and got this message:

No se puede establecer una conexión POP3 con {}INBOX: Can not authenticate to IMAP server: Wrong startup greeting (ssl:// +OK Gpop ready for requests from 2604:a880:4:1d0::273:4000 n10mb10745564otr

@edvargrieg Can you use IMAP instead of POP3 as the package used by the plugin does not support POP3. These are the settings that work for my personal gmail account

$bounce_mailbox_host = '';
$bounce_mailbox_port = '993/imap/ssl';

Now it works. Thank you very much!