I am using phpList v3.6.13
PHP v7.4.33
MySQL v8.0.33-25 (this was recently updated by my provider)
When I try to process bounces I get the following message:
Cannot create POP3 connection to pop.host.com: Can't connect to smtp.host.com,995: Connection timed out
This is strange because, because I double and triple checked the config file and made sure that I could login to the webmail interface of the bounce mailbox.
Hi Christian, It’s difficult to troubleshoot these issues by editing the config.php file.
What I usually do is use the Thunderbird email program, and setup the connection to the bounce mailbox within Thunderbird, then whan that works, I know what I should use in phpList.
At that point, it’s easier to try various settings within the config.php file, since you know what works in general.
Meanwhile I am on v3.6.14 –The problem still persists:
Cannot create POP3 connection to {pop.issp.at:995/pop3/ssl/novalidate-cert}INBOX: Can't connect to smtp.issp.at,995: Connection timed out
In Thunderbird I can connect via POP3 to the mailbox without problems.
Why does the error message mention “smtp.issp.at,995”, although smtp uses port 465 ? Is the error message erroneous, or does phplist try to use port 995 to connect to the smpt-server?
smtp.issp.at and pop.issp.at have the same IP address, so it may just be a case of something selecting the “wrong” one when going from the IP address back to the domain.
You could try using IMAP to see whether that works