Phplist_usermessage table too big

Hello, in my phplist server the phplist_usermessage table is too big (1.9Gbyte of data).
Which is the best practice to reduce it’s space? It’s possible to delete old sent messages and all related informations (stats, logs, etc.?)

@francescodadil phplist doesn’t let you delete a campaign that has been sent (because if you use click tracking then clicks of links in the deleted campaign will no longer work).

But you can use the Campaigns plugin to delete messages and related data including the rows from the usermessage table.
Click the “find plugins” link on the Manage Plugins page.

Maybe it’s good that it doesn’t but the Campaigns plugin doesn’t bulk delete messages, ie, you have to individually select each one individually to delete.

(I wanted to start cleaning out old campaigns, which go back 13 years, but doing so one by one isn’t practical at all. A choice to delete, say, campaigns older than x years, would seem to be helpful.)

You can use the Housekeeping plugin to do that.