Phplist not sending emails

I already installed PHPlist on Amazon EC2 and connect it with Amazon SES plugin, as I see everything set normally

but when I try to send email nothing happen, when I go to Log of events I get this message (Multi-curl successes: 0, failures: 1)

please help, thank you

@alkaka There should be other entries in the event log that explain the failure.

here you can check Log of events

I have this problem long ago and I got it fix. But before that, I have 3 questions though. (1) Are you in sandbox mode? (2) If yes, have you tried to verify that email address that you are sending? (3) Have you changed your AWS access ID, secret access key and the ses endpoint?

@alkaka Which version of the Amazon SES plugin are you using? If it is the latest then there is a bug that stops the http code from being displayed in the event log.

Look in file plugins/Common/MailSender.php

line 133 should be

logEvent(sprintf('Multi-curl http code %s result %s email %s', $code, $manager->response, $call['email']));

change $code to $httpCode so that the line is then

logEvent(sprintf('Multi-curl http code %s result %s email %s', $httpCode, $manager->response, $call['email']));

Then try sending an email again. The event log should now show the http code of the response.

Correction @duncanc. Alkaka has this issue, not me :smiley:

@ritztoston I get phplist from bitnami and set on AWS EC2 and my email already verified just I am using new Access Key ID and Secret Access Key

I downloaded Amazon SES plugin

I Install Amazon SES plugin through phplist from this link

I tried to modify MailSender.php but I got this error [ Error writing MailSender.php: Permission denied ]

then I tried to get access to modify this file and I get this Error

$ /opt/bitnami/apps/phplist/htdocs/admin/plugins/Common$ chmod 664 MailSender.php
chmod: changing permissions of ‘MailSender.php’: Operation not permitted

@alkaka You can now just upgrade Common Plugin instead of editing the file I mentioned. On the Manage Plugins page use the package URL

I update it and still nothing happen

This isn’t helpful. As I explained before, you need to look at the event log page to see any error reported there.

You should also show the Amazon SES fields that you have entered on the Settings page.

I am using same SMTP credentials in another app and it works fine, here you can check my settings

here last errors in Log of events

  • Multi-curl successes: 0, failures: 1
  • Multi-curl http code 0 result 220 ESMTP SimpleEmailService-2762711029 IQzwmGhyTfJ3ceORwVFp 500 Error: command not implemented 500 Error: command not implemented 500 Error: command not implemented 500 Error: command not implemented 500 Error: command not implemented 500 Error: command not implemented 500 Error: command not implemented 500 Error: command not implemented 500 Error: command not implemented 500 Error: bad syntax 501 Input line length is too long! email

@alkaka The plugin is to use the Amazon SES API not the SMTP interface.

Your settings are for using SMTP. You should have first read the plugin documentation

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thank you, now issue solved