phpList community sent more than 5 Billion emails since January

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Our new, launched to celebrate phpLists 15th birthday, has an sent mails counter on the home page, which shows us how many emails we sent as a community so far this year. We also know how many emails were sent last year, and how many countries phpList is used in right now. The tally at the time…

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The blog states “More than 5 billion since January”.
That’s impressive.

I guess I’m responsible for approximately 12,000,000 of those… without spamming :slight_smile:


wow, that’s a load :slight_smile: Really would be good to get a blog about your sending :smile:

Or we could put you in the case studies in the manual

To be exact I contributed about 3,600,000 since 10 years ago… and :smile: of course @NYChris without spamming!

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