My Webhoster has changed the WEB server to PHP version 8.1.29.
My hoster also writes that I should switch to PHP 8.3, because 8.1.29 is already old.
Wordpress works fine, but the integrated PHPLIST page shows a blank screen.
Even when I call up the admin page …/lists/admin/, an empty screen is displayed. Nothing, just nothing, like when it is hidden. I can’t log in either.
What can I do? Can someone give me a hint if I might have to change something in the config.php?
Many thanks in advance
@HeinzSwoboda Try viewing the html source of the blank page, usually CTRL-U. There might be an error message within the html.
Otherwise look in the web server error log or php error log.
CTRL-U shows nothing
there is no error message and no error log entry
I have now made a request to the web-hoster to block my own installed software for security reasons.
Now I am waiting for the answer.
I will report here when I know more.
@duncanc thanks for your effort
@duncanc At short notice the server was reset to PHP 7.3.
I updated all the plugins in PHPLIST
Then I sent a mail merge, which also worked and was important for us.
Then the server was set to PHP 8.2.20.
Wordpress runs well
PHPLIST could not be called.
For testing I was able to install a PHPLIST from the provider with their config and this also runs well.
Then I compared our installation with the test version and the only difference are the plugins and the Config.php.
Our Config.php is the extended one with many settings that have changed over the years.
My question is how can I disable all plugins in PHPLIST with FTP without removing them?
So that I can see if a plugin does not take the PHP version and therefore denies me access.
Hier die Deutsche version:
Kurzfristig wurde der server auf PHP 7.3 zurückgestellt.
Ich habe alle Plugins im PHPLIST upgedatet
Dann habe ich noch einen Serienbrief versendet was auch ging und für uns wichtig war.
Dann wurde der Server auf PHP 8.2.20 eingestellt.
Wordpress läuft gut
PHPLIST konnte nicht aufgerufen werden.
zum Test konnte ich eine PHPLIST vom Provider mit deren config aufspielen und diese läuft auch gut.
Dann habe ich unsere Installation mit der Testversion vergleichen und der einzige unter schied sind die Plugins und die Config.php.
Unsere Config.php ist die erweiterte mit vielen Einstellungen die sich über die Jahre ergeben haben.
Meine Frage wie kann ich alle Plugins im PHPLIST mit FTP kurzfristig abschalten ohne das ich sie entferne?
Damit ich sehe ob hier ein Plugin die PHP Version nicht nimmt und mir deshalb den Zutritt verwehrt.
@HeinzSwoboda In the admin/plugins
directory rename each php file to .xxx
e.g. CommonPlugin.php =>
then php will ignore that plugin.
@duncanc Thanx!
I have just seen that I have 22 plugins. Not all of them are active.
Can I find out which ones are active? Otherwise I will set all of them to xxx and see what happens.
8093 Autoresponder.php
4310 BotBouncerPlugin.php
2201 BounceStatisticsPlugin.php
4551 campaignslicer.php
2026 CampaignsPlugin.php
9067 CaptchaPlugin.php
15556 CKEditorPlugin.php
9920 CommonPlugin.php
4886 dateplaceholder.php
9924 disposablemailblock.php
12710 domainthrottlemap.php
2547 embedremoteimages.php
2806 fckphplist.php
265 helloworld.php
3983 inviteplugin.php
3761 MessageStatisticsPlugin.php
18500 SegmentPlugin.php
241 sidebar.php
5397 subjectLinePlaceholdersPlugin.php
10280 SubscribersPlugin.php
8805 TinyMCEPlugin.php
2090 UpdaterPlugin.php
@duncanc My result: There are two plugins that bring PHPLIST to a standstill on PHP version 8.1.29 or higher.
it is the plugin “helloworld” and “sidebar”
I think first I should disable these two plugins.
Am I right in assuming that I have to do it somewhere in the database?
@HeinzSwoboda Those two plugins are very old and you can delete them.
You can also delete fckphplist.php as that is no longer included with phplist.
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@duncanc The plugin fckphplist.php cannot be deleted from the PHPLIST because the PLUGIN does not have a recycle bin icon in the list.