One phpList with Multiple Landing Pages

I have a phpList install but run multiple organizational newsletters. As each organization has nothing related to each other, I wonder if it is possible to have a phpList subscription landing page for each so that each organization not see the newsletter signup for each.

For example:
My phpList manages newsletters for groups A, B, C, D, E that are not related to each other.

  • As it stands now, the phpList landing page lists subscribing for all A, B, C, D, E groups. My subscribers are then confused why there are subscription signups to unrelated companies. For example, A Group could be about “hammers”; B Group could be about “pizzas”; C Group could be about “Art”; D Group could be about “Space Travel”; E Group could be about “Grommets”

I would like:

  • a phpList landing page for group A;
  • a phpList landing page for group B;
  • a phpList landing page for group C;
  • a phpList landing page for group D;
  • a phpList landing page for group E.

But, I would like to manage all of these landing pages from the same instance of phpList.

Can this be done?

Yes, you can create different subscribe pages (> Config > Subscribe pages) to display the lists and attributes appropriate to each group.

Here’s the help page.