No content in received testmail

Sending a testmail reports success but there is no content in the mail I receive. Where to search for an error? phpList 3.4.8 with PHP 5.6.37. Before the update to version 3.4.8 everything worked fine.

No error in server error log.
When trying to send a test mail of an older campaign also an empty mail is coming. Before the test mail of this campaign worked fine.

@Subhash phplist 3.4.8 includes PHPMailer 6. Have you enabled that by adding a line to config.php? If so, try reverting to PHPMailer 5. See

Usually two test emails are sent, one HTML format the second in plain text format. Which one has the empty content?

I only get one multipart mail when I test.

I had not enabled PHPMailer 6. So I tried to enable it and the content was sent but not the new inline images.

In the meantime I recognized that the class “inline” attached to the images to sent them using the inlineImagePlugin is the culprit. When I remove it the content is sent also with PHPMailer 5 but the images are not shown. Only a question mark.

I really want to send images with my campaign. And this plugin worked very well with phpList 3.4.6. But now…

@Subhash phplist lets you embed all local images or all remote images using these two settings. Set either to 1 to enable. The plugin is no longer supported, but I don’t know why it would suddenly stop working.

// this flag will fetch images in your content that are remotely hosted and put them
// inside the message that is sent.


Thank you very much! This I didn’t know. It works if I delete the class (or as I suppose remove the plugin).