My shot being done with cron has stopped

Hey, guys! How are you?

I’m new here, I’ve already learned a lot researching the contents here and I hope I can help at some point too, but now I humbly need your help.

My problem is the following, I put my shot through cron passing the following link:'here I passed my secret key’

Shipments have started, but unfortunately slowly. My smtp gives me 12,000 sends per hour or 4 messages per second, while my campaign averaged 1,500 sends per hour.
The list I used for this campaign has around 33,000 subscribers, and it stopped after 12,971 sends.
Why was my campaign stopped and I can’t continue?

Regarding speed, below are the parameters defined in my config.php file:

define('MAX_PROCESS_MESSAGE', 5000);
define('MAILQUEUE_THROTTLE', 0.3);

@Lucas You should use command line php in the cron job, see Setting up your Cron | phpList manual

In the remote processing approach phplist runs for only one minute to avoid time-out problems. Command line php does not have that problem.

I did everything exactly from the command line, but I think I figured out the problem.
I checked the phpList log and noticed numerous attempts to send messages to invalid email addresses. It must have stopped because of that, I cleared the list and am importing again.

I’ll check it out and give you feedback here.

Thank you for now!

I cleared the list, imported it again and the campaign is moving forward.
Thanks for it!

I’m using cron to perform the send, why am I still loading slowly?
Can’t accelerate to an average of 10,000 sends per hour?

@Lucas I have already explained that. You appear to be using “remote queue processing”, instead you need to use php command line as described in the link that I gave, e.g.

/usr/bin/php /home/website/public_html/lists/admin/index.php -c /home/website/public_html/lists/config/config.php $*

I will try this now.

I’ll get back to you with feedback so we can close the topic.
Thank you so far!

@duncanc The way you said it should be done like this?

@Lucas yes that looks ok. You probably want to create a cron job to run the command periodically. Best to use the same user as the web server (often www-data or apache) not the root user for that.

@duncanc But why does it keep sending so slow?
My SMTP has a capacity of 12000 submissions per hour.
I want to work with an average of 10000 submissions per hour.

This setting sets a delay between each email, so you want to set it to 0.

The way I configured it would not be 0.3 seconds?

@duncanc sorry! Can you help me?

define('MAX_PROCESS_MESSAGE', 5000);
define('MAILQUEUE_THROTTLE', 0.3);

With this configuration how many messages should I be sending per hour?


define('MAILQUEUE_THROTTLE', 0.3);

This is adding a delay of 0.3s between each email. If you are trying to send as fast as possible then you should set this to 0.

I don’t know the rate of sending.