Members figures on list view incorrect. Doing it wrong or bug?


I have a couple of lists. One of them is new, so the indicated member count starts at “(0,0,0)”.

Now when I subscribe myself to that list, I can see myself as a confirmed and non-blacklisted member of that list when I click on the “eye” icon (“show subscribers”) to the right of the indicated member numbers for the list.

Yet for some reason, the numbers on the list view page will not change to (1,0,0) after my subscription, they will stubbornly stay on (0,0,0) even after a while and after numerous reloads.


How is that possible?


After about two hours the display of numbers changed. So this seems intentional… is it a performance issue?

@ts.mz2 The numbers are cached due to delays when the list has a large number of subscribers Speed up list page by michield · Pull Request #909 · phpList/phplist3 · GitHub

There is a timeout but simply logging out then logging in again will clear the cached values.


Thanks for the clarification =)