"Manage administrators" not working


i’m very new to phplist. i just did a test upgrade of our phplist installation from 2.10.17 to 3.2.5 (although VERSION file says “3.2.4”). upgrade worked fine, only thing is when i click “Manage Administrators” i’m always redirected to the “Configuration” menu (where everything is green). i don’t think this is correct. i’m logged in as superadmin user “admin”.

thx for help

When you upgrade from 2.10 to 3.2, one or two of the database tables don’t convert properly.
You should ‘rebuild database’, it will create the new tables

Basically, the old tables are still in the database, but have the wrong name.

Rebuilding the database create the missing tables. It will tell you what tables it created.

Note that the ‘manage administrators’ provides different functionality in 3.x than it had in 2.x

Ok, thanks. And how do i “rebuild database”?

“system”, “initialize database”

IIRC this did not work. what did work was upgrading to 3.0, then to 3.2 (and it’s not a big deal)


Glad you got it going! Thanks for the feedback

i’m sorry, but when i take a closer look at my installation after upgrading to 3.2.5 i notice some very strange things. i did the whole process (2.10.17 -> 3.0.12 -> 3.2.5) for the third time, and every time in the end random parts of the interface are not working, right now, “Config Configuration” and “Config Settings” are just white, when i click to edit an administrator i see the form to add a new attribute… before that “send a campaign” brought the form to add a template and so on. it seems as if the links are totally messed up. this happens in different browsers, in php error_log there is no trace. php version is 5.3.3 (RHEL 6). i have never seen something like this before and i don’t like it very much. is there any explanation for this behaviour?


ok, it’s a php version issue, when i use php 5.5. with phplist 3.2, everything is fine
