Lists and Subscribers for the system and not for every single admin/user


we have 3 users to create campaigns, all Users should see all Lists and all campaigns.

I found a modification to the accesscheck.php, to show the subscriber lists and some other parts,

This one:

function accessLevel($page)
global $tables, $access_levels;
if (!$GLOBALS[‘require_login’] || isSuperUser()) {
return ‘all’;
if (!isset($_SESSION[‘adminloggedin’])) {
return 0;
if (!is_array($_SESSION[‘logindetails’])) {
return 0;

// Modification Start
if ($page == 'send') {
    return 'all';

if ($page == 'list') {
    return 'all';
if ($page == 'members') {
    return 'all';
if ($page == 'user') {
    return 'all';
if ($page == 'users') {
    return 'all';
if ($page == 'message') {
    return 'all';
if ($page == 'messages') {
    return 'all';
// Modification End

//# for non-supers we only allow owner views
//# this is likely to need tweaking
return 'owner';


The message and messages i put in in the same code, but it doiesn’t work. Has anyone a solution for me?

Thanks to the Forum;)

To enable others to help you easier, could you please state the version of phpList you are running and where you found the above code, and if possible, which version that was originally for. Many thanks.

Oh yes, there is missing some details…

Version 3.3.1
The place i found the Code:

and The Part of Modification start till end is the manual Code the other parts are default.
All steps working, only the message and messages Part doesn’t work. if i go on the parts with send, i see all Campaigns…
Thank you

@hschinnenburg The code for the messages and message pages handles the validation of the admin (whether super user or not) differently to the other pages, so that particular change does not work.

The problem seems to have been fixed so should be in the next release of phplist.

Thanks for support.
Can i see somewhere the time where the nest release is ready?

There is a version for testing, not really for public use, on Sourceforge. If you are willing to accept any other problems that might be present then you can install it. See phpList - Browse /phplist-development at for 3.3.2-RC2