Limiting subscribers transfer only to my lists


Sorry I tried to find a solution in documentation, here and google but I found nothing :

I have a question about subscribers administration for a standard admin in PhpList

I have one superadmin and 2 standard admins (they are not super admin)
Admin1 is the owner of 2 lists (list1Admin1 and list2Admin1 )
Admin2 is the owner of 3 lists (list1Admin2, list2Admin2, list3Admin2 )

I connect as Admin1
When I click on "Subscribers Lists"
I click on one list (example list1Admin1)
I can select my subscriber and transfer them to another list such as list3Admin2)

Is there any way to limit this transfer only to admin1’s lists ?

I this following behavior :
Admin1 can only transfer subscriber to list1Admin1 and list2Admin1
Is it possible ?

thanks in advance