My statistics usually run about 20-25% viewed on any campaign. This, I believe is low, considering these are self-opt-in subscribers to a tech letter service they pay for annually. As I try to determine who is not reading the tech letter, I see that there is no report that identifies those that have never viewed a campaign. My bounces are all zero. I would like to make a feature suggestion but do not see an option to do so on the bug report screen.
Also, what is the difference between unique views and views (views is found on the campaign edit page)
@CAVUCO The Subscribers plugin adds an Advanced Search page whose results show the number of campaigns sent to the subscribers, and the number opened and number which have had a link clicked. You can export the results then manipulate in a spreadsheet.
OK, installed Subscriber Plugin and I see the list. CAn I filter on that zero opened field and send them an email?
I donβt wan to use phplist to send the email as this apparently is getting blocked (possibly).
Can I add an unsubscribe link to the emial that asks for the email address before deleting.
(I want to send as bcc all the emails that have zero opens) If I just use the normal unsubscribe will it not unsubscribe the sned to email address not the bcc address?)