Instlation of phplist-3.6.15 not working ondebian

I just installed phplist version 3.6.15 on clean debian with apache and php.
After installing apache, php 8.2.26 and mariadb 10.11.6 and creating database with username and password I moved to phplist, unpacked, moved ‘lists’ directory to /var/www/mysite/
I changed databasename, username and password in config/config.php
When I’m accessing http://mysite/lists/admin I get…

apache log reports error 500
there is no other log that I can locate
mariadb logs shows no connection attempt (I checked that it is listening on 3306)

Any clues? Is there any way to turn on debugging in phplist? I tried some params in configure.php but with no effect.


@gjbl In file admin/init.php enable error reporting by changing 0 to -1 on line 9


-1? Not 1?
OK, but where is the debug log?

OK, I found the problem.
I went to: http://mysite/lists (not to the admin page) and an error in config.php was reported. Very strange that no errors were reported on the admin page(?!). Anyway, the error was simply a typo which confused the configuration system.

Thanks for your help!!!