Implementation with Proton Account (SMTP)

Hey everyone,

SO - I am attempting to get phpList set up on my VPS and send/receive emails using my Proton account. I have a paid Proton account, but not paid well enough for access to SMTP server information. By default, Proton does not support implementation with third parties – unless, of course, you give them lots of money.

I, however, don’t have lots of money. So I need another solution. I suspect another solution exists, because for a period of time, I was using the paid phpList hosted service (from, and had no issue whatsoever sending/receiving emails through my Proton account.

Worth mentioning: It is possible to use Proton with third party applications by utilizing ProtonBridge. However, ProtonBridge requires a GUI to access the majority of the settings. That makes things complicated when dealing with a VPS. ProtonBridge does offer a command line interface, but it is not well-maintained, and does not offer access to SMTP information. At least not to my knowledge. I spent two straight days trying to get Bridge to work on my VPS via the command line interface, and made very little progress.

Does anyone have any ideas on what I could do to get this working?

I would start by determining what the smtp settings are for using the proton server. One ‘easy’ way to do this is download thunderbird (the free email client from mozilla), and create a new email account, and let thunderbird try to configure itself to send using the proton smtp server. if it succeeds, you can read the smtp settings from thunderbird.
it’s easier to try different setting manually using the gui in thunderbird than it is trying settings in the phpList config.php file.
Once you know what the settings need to be (from thunderbird), then you can enter them into the phpList config.php file.