How-to: Edit Wiki pages to improve documentation

Hello everyone,

It is great to see that the feedback community members provide is very useful! In many cases this feedback includes references to the phpList wiki which can be found here:
This source of information contains a large amount of useful information on how to install and configure phpList.

:memo: Become an editor
This wiki guide is the result of the joint efforts of the phpList contributors and phpList Ltd staff. Having said that, everyone can become an editor of the wiki! DokuWiki (the wiki software we are using) requires only some basic knowledge of the markdown syntax. On the official DokuWiki website you will find a wide and comprehensive guide on the syntax. But even if you have questions, feel free to ask here! :slightly_smiling_face:

Create your account
You can create your account simply by clicking on the β€œRegister” button on the top right of your screen when visiting

Before you start editing please make sure that you are quite aware about the topic you are about to add information. In case there is any hint of doubt, feel free to discuss it here on the forum and let others help you shape your thought better.


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