Footer Image not displayed

The code in my footer for the image is:-

<img style="padding: 16px 0px 16px 0px;" src="upload://ktSi5LtT1bo8o8d5mb9W0PL1m4l.png" alt="Carbon Saver Logo" width="300px">

This is how it appears in the sent email:-

<img style="padding:16px 0px 16px 0px" src="" alt="Carbon Saver Logo" width="300px" class="CToWUd" data-bit="iit" jslog="138226; u014N:xr6bB; 53:WzAsMl0.">

results in a 404 error

What does this mean?

Actually I don’t know where that came from! Sorry!

This is the code I wrote:-
<img style="padding: 16px 0px 16px 0px;" src="" alt="Carbon Saver Logo" width="300px"/>

This is how it is saved in the template file when previewed within phplist:-
<img src="?page=image&amp;id=26" width="300px">
and id=26 is the image locastion in the database.

This is how the code appears in gmail
<img style="padding:16px 0px 16px 0px" src="" alt="Carbon Saver Logo" width="300px" class="CToWUd" data-bit="iit" jslog="138226; u014N:xr6bB; 53:WzAsMl0.">

which results in the broken logo shown below.

This is how the code appears in yahoo which DOES display the image.
<img style="padding:16px 0px 16px 0px;" src=";downloadWhenThumbnailFails=true&amp;pid=2.2" yahoo_partid="2.2" alt="Carbon Saver Logo" width="300px" class="preview">

This means that you are embedding the image in the template by using only the image filename in the src attribute. If that is a problem with gmail then revert to using the remote image by using the full URL in the src attribute.

The code I wrote and input into the template editing form WAS the full URL.

When I previewed the template it was ‘converted’ into an embedded image by phplist.

And then when it is send to google the stuff appears when inspecting the gmail code in a browser.

@Ovgmw7 Check the templateimage table to see whether there is a row with the filename column of your image file. If so, then you can delete it. That should make phplist not embed the image.