Hello. I am a self proclaimed dinosaur who started with the old, free phplist back in 1995.
Recently, I have been receiving this message: You have been logged out, because the session token of your request was incorrect
I am assuming I need to update to version 3.6.15 (the version I have now is 3.6.13 and noticed v3.6.14 so I am 2 versions behind).
I am able to get into my hosts admin panel where I found the phplist section which in fact confirms v3.6.13 as my current version. I also see v3.6.15 at the top with a big fat INSTALL button in red below it and further below, the juicy “Install Now” blue button. My questions are: (1) if I click on the Install Now button, will I lose my free phplist version and automatically be moved to a paid version? (2) Will I lose all of my Subscriber lists and subscribers? (3) Or, am I just paranoid and should just click on the Install Now button and everything will be alright?
Thanks in advance for any and all assistance.
The first thing I would do if I received a “session token” error would be to clear cookies, at least for the site showing the error. That isn’t specific to phpList, that’s just in general.
Specific to your question, is there even a paid version of phpList that you could be pushed into? There’s a paid service, if you use phplist.com instead of hosting code yourself, but upgrading your self-hosted code won’t sign you up for a service. You have nothing to worry about regarding free vs paid versions. (Take note of how phpList is licensed.) Just focus on the technical aspects of the upgrade to make sure things work when you’re done.
Are you sure you’re looking at phpList? As far as I know, it wasn’t available in 1995. PHP itself dates back to 1995. Wikipedia shows the first release of phpList in 2000. From what I recall of Web software available in 1995, there wasn’t anything like phpList. Are you confusing other software with phpList?
Thanks for the replies. Well, I cleared all the cookies then went straight to the installation of the latest version of v3.6.15… I keep getting this error … " The following errors were found : Required PHP version greater than or equal to 8.1.0 AND found version is : 8.0.30.“. I am given an option to check a checkbox: Do you wish to enable PHP 8.1.30 ? (Might cause issues with your existing installations)”. I check that box, hit the install button and keep getting the same error.
The high version number is nowhere near the number of version 3.6.15.
Any suggestions?
Again, thanks in advance for any help!
PHP and phpList are different. The 8.x version number is for PHP. The latest version of phpList is currently 3.6.15. PHP is a programming language. phpList is a product written using PHP.
I don’t know what environment you’re using, so I can’t recommend anything about the PHP version messages you’re seeing. I can’t find system requirements info for phpList, so I also can’t recommend how to ensure your environment is ready for the latest version of phpList. The best I can say at this point is that you need to ensure the requirements for phpList are met within your environment.
It looks to me like you’re trying to work with some sort of administrative interface rather than working with the system directly. Personally, I don’t use cPanel or other administrative tools because they impose too much confusion. I find it better to work with things directly rather than hope some tool will do an OK job of it for me. YMMV.
If you can show or describe errors from phpList, not PHP or an intermediate interface, this forum will be more helpful.