Export query help


I am trying to do a one-time export all confirmed, non blacklisted users for a particular list. In other words, I want to export all confirmed, non blacklisted users for the “newsletter” list.

The export function does not seem to allow this. If I export for all dates, and select “newsletters” dropdown, I get a file with all email addresses period.

I am using v3.0.12.

I think if you export within the time period then use your spreadsheet program to “sort” by the column for confirmed then blacklited, and delete those that are not confirmed or blacklisted,

If you select “Any date (Export all subscribers)” then that will, as it suggests, export all subscribers.

It is probably simpler to do the export from the page that shows the members of your newsletter list. Then only members of the list will be selected.
It is not possible to filter only the confirmed subscribers, but the Subscribers plugin does let you do that. You can see the available plugins through the Find Plugins link on the Manage Plugins page.

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