Daily RSS Problems - "There are no feed items that will be included in the first campaign"

I’m a bit stumped by this. I’ve installed and configured the plugin correctly - I think.
When I send a test message, it sends me the latest blog post from my RSS feed.
I set the campaign live yesterday. It’s set to repeat every hour.
Today a blog post was published at 12:30 - but no email was sent. The only error is “There are no feed items that will be included in the first campaign”

Here’s a screenshot of the campaign.

The feed (Terence Eden’s Blog) is updating on my website.

The event log just says “Embargo advanced for RSS message”.

Any tips would be greatly appreciated :slight_smile:

@edent The plugin will select items published based on the campaign repeat interval and embargo time.

In the case of the screenshot, the embargo is 14:00 and the repeat interval is one hour which means only items published between 13:00 and 14:00 will be selected. The information message is just saying that there aren’t any items meeting that condition.

The item published at 12:30 would have been included in the campaign with embargo of 13:00 if it had existed at that time.

If you change the campaign, or create a new campaign, to repeat each day at say 18:00 then the item published at 12:30 should be included.

Cheers. I’ve now set the “Embargoed until” to “2024-10-19 22:00”

So, hopefully, it will send at 12:30 tomorrow when a new post is published.

Is there anything else I should do / configure to ensure it works?

Thanks :slight_smile:

@edent I don’t understand your change. Is the campaign still repeating hourly or was that changed to daily?

Either way, it will not be sent at 12:30 when you publish a new post. It will be sent at the embargo time.
Ensure that you are fetching the feed items prior to phplist processing the queue. Use a cron job to do both of these.

This is explained in the plugin documentation at plugin:rssfeed [phpList Resources]

@duncanc I’m really confused too :laughing:

I just want to send a newsletter every time my RSS feed updates. That’s usually at 12:30, most days.

So I need my embargoed date set to today at 12:00, repeating hourly, until the year 2034?

Or should that be 1300 and repeating daily?

@edent Repeating hourly or daily are equally valid. It just depends on how short an interval you want between publishing a post and it being sent out in a phplist campaign.

Repeating hourly will give the shortest interval. Sometimes people want to send their campaigns later in the day or maybe first thing in the morning, so having a daily repeat would apply in those cases.

Your screenshot showed the campaign repeating hourly on the hour. If you publish a new blog post at 12:30 today, and the plugin is run to fetch the feed items after that time but before 13:00 , then when phplist processes the queue after 13:00 it should send the campaign with the blog post included.

The phplist event log should be showing messages about “embargo advanced for rss message” for each run when there are no feed items to send.