CAPTCHA plugin doesn't show up into subscribe page

@ilnebbioso The emails had been marked as spam and not delivered. I found them and can now login to your phplist.

I was trying to install a new version of the plugin to try to show what was happening, and made an error that stops phplist from running.
Please can you remove the file admin/plugins/CaptchaPlugin.php then I can reinstall a corrected version?

File removed.

Sorry for the SPAM issue: we did some time ago some tests with SPF+DKIM in order to do not happen this! I will investigate!

@ilnebbioso I don’t understand this. Can you give me ftp access to look at the files more easily? You can send me a private message by clicking on my image.

@ilnebbioso Just realised what the problem might be. The directory “/plugins” is causing an accidental clash of name and phplist is looking in there for its plugins when you access a public page.

Can you rename that to something else then change the values on the Settings page.

It seems working!

@ Good!. Maybe just having the directory /securimage might be simplest.

But this should be ok for you now.

Thank you so much.
Can you please edit my first post here in order to cancel the link I published? It seems I cannot do by myself.