Hello All,
I installed phplist 3.6.15 from my web hosting application installer but could not login as admin.
My server phpversion is 8.1.29
when i tried logging as admin i get this error “Incorrect password”
When i tried to reset the password by entering my email i get this error “Error sending password change token.”
This is fresh installation and i have installed this 3 times and still face same same issue.
Does anyone know how to sold this issue or any clue on what i can do to resolve this?
Kind regards
One way is to log into your cpanel, go into the phpMyAdmin, look at the phplist database, in phplist_admin table, and then look for ‘admin’ and type in your desired password. apply your changes, and then you should be able to login as ‘admin’ with the password you used.
Hello @danwaterloo,
Thank you very much for your response.
I have changed the password in the database “phpMyAdmi” but i still could not login, I even changed username and i still face the same issue.
Any more solutions to this issue?
@Overcominglove This approach no longer works with phplist. To manually set the password you need to calculate the sha256 hash to enter in the password field in the admin table.
Go to this site to calculate the hash SHA256 - Online Tools
Enter your password in the Input field then copy the Output result field and paste that into the password field of the admin table using phpmyadmin.
Yes, your approach works and i am logged in to phplist admin successfully.
Thanks a you very much Duncanc