Can campains be sent via Outlook instead the web interface

Hi - I am a complete newbie to phplist and spent some time searching for an answer to my question without sucess. As far as I understand, one can (has to) send a campain through the webinterface. But is it also possible to send a mail to a special address (e.g. that is then forwarded as my campain?


I think there is a plugin for that, sendtolist or something? You can see plugins in your menu and find it

Hi Anna, thanks for the hint.

I found the Mail2List plugin which queues campains from mail but requires manual sending. I also found submitByMail, which currently does not work with the version installed at, but I will wait for the upate.


Ah, so you are using Can you send a message via specifying what you need.

The plugins are not “incompatible” exactly, the version on is the same as the download one, it’s just we need to check the plugins really thoroughly to make sure they are secure and don’t make abuse of the service possible etc. If you request that one, we can note your preference and we can maybe bump it up the list for testing. I don’t know if this plugin is a potential .com plugin or not, but it will have a better shot if you request it :smile:
