Bulk move subscribers

i am new user with Phplist.
while sending emails , i have certain amount of bounces .

i tried to move emails from one list to another but did not managed to do it.
i saw buld remove - where i can paste list of emails and either remove (if not already sent any email) or mark as blacklist and then remove blacklisted emails.

is there a way to move list emails from different listst to another list (paste list of emails and move)?

thanks in advance

@Zack_kovic The Subscribers Plugin provides a command to move subscribers from one list to another. You can copy/paste the list of email addresses. See plugin:subscribers [phpList Resources]

Hello Duncan,

thank you for your reply.

i tried to install Subscribers plugin - with github link from phplist interface and also manually.

in both cases i can see plugin in plugin in plugin list (manage plugin), but it does not add any additional functions in subscribers menu.

while link installation - it has no enable/disable button , only update button. i clicked several times but no changes.

while manual installation - it has nether enable/disable nor update button.

how can i fix this issue?

Thanks in advance

@Zack_kovic You need to enable the Common Plugin.

comon plugin is enabled .

here how it looks like (installed via interface):

@Zack_kovic There is a message stating that you need Common Plugin version 3.34.0. You need to update Common Plugin using a similar URL to that for Subscribers Plugin.

@duncanc yes, that was the issue.

Thank you very much