Blacklisted by Invite Plugin

phpList 3.5.1
InvitePlugin Active

We have 3 Campaigns
2 with each about 900 email addresses of which 2/3rd belong to both of the campaigns

The 3rd Campaign is sent out as an Invite Campaign with an email address list of 1600 addresses partly the same as the address list of the other 2 Campaigns.

Now I have Blacklisted by Invite Plugin for all the email addresses which the 3 Campaigns have in common and are not confirmed.

The 2 other Campains had no Blacklisted users when I started the 3rd campaign.

How can I undo the Blacklisted by Invite Plugin for the 2 affected campaigns?

@PeterBuijs That is how the invite plugin is intended to work.

If you can create a list of subscribers who you do not want to be blacklisted then you can use the Subscribers plugin to remove them from the blacklist. On the Manage Plugins page follow the “find plugins” link.

Yes that is the way Invite Plugin works

Indeed suitable for one Campaign but what if you have several Campaigns with partially the same subscribers?

Maybe there is a way to be Blacklisted by Invite Plugin for xxx Campaign.

Just a way not to be Blacklisted for All Campaigns

This list of subscribers is an export of the blacklisted subscribers from my 2 affected (older) campaigns.
These campaigns did not have blacklisted subscribers when I started the 3rd campaign.
If I remove them from the Blacklist (from Invite Plugin) status will they be Unconfirmed or Confirmed?
All these 2 Campaign members were Confirmed.

You seem to be misunderstanding the purpose of the plugin. It is to be able to import “collected” email addresses, then send a campaign asking if they want to remain in phplist. Those subscribers need to be on their own list. There is an option to move a subscriber to another list when they confirm.

The subscribers plugin command to remove from blacklist does not affect the subscribed/unsubscribed status.

What happened when I introduced the 3rd campaign is that when I imported the addresses these addresses partially resembled the addresses of the other 2 campaigns.
When I started the 3rd campaign all the addresses which resembled the first 2 campaigns where also blacklisted. (for all campaigns) until most of these receivers of the 3rd campaign confirmed.
The Unconfirmed from the 3rd campaign still are blacklisted for all 3 campaigns.