in phplist 3.6.15 while creating a new campaign lists categories are not selectable like a previous version with a dropdown menù. I see all lists in a single page.
This scrolldown menu is not grouped if you send a message.
We have a lot of categories and a lot of lists.
And if you choose the category you are not positioned in the top of that category but it does not scroll. If you open the list right clicking to another page it works.
@Pex I don’t quite understand what you are referring to. Is it the Lists page or the Lists tab when composing a campaign? The Lists tab looks like this for me, with each category displayed as a tab
@Pex It might be a problem with the code for the theme that you are using, Dressprow. That theme is no longer supported, for several year now. You should use the bootlist theme instead by choosing that on the Settings page.