"Request for Confirmation" changes in Text accepted but not shown... Users get old text... why?

Hello, I just started to change Text and Desig step by step and all is working well. Now I changed the text for the “Request for Information” Email. It works, it was saved.

But when a new client is signing up, he´s getting the old “english standard text” which is even not saved nowhere anymore.


Found the Error… you have to Login in your database with “phpMyAdmin” and change it manually in the database. Double work but works :wink:

@hansyland I guess that you have created a subscribe page.

If so then you need to make changes to the subscribe page, not on the Settings page. The latter is used as the initial values when creating subscribe pages. Any changes on the Settings page do not apply automatically to subscribe pages.

HI duncanc,

thanks for the Infos. I´m not a good programmer, so I do step by step with “Words” which I put in the strings. So I found out where I can arrange something. A friend who is programmer always says to my solutions “it normally can´t work but does.”. So today I tried something out, found out that the Database is in good use and that it´s easy to change things there,maybe wrong but results works. Then I put some css/html in den index.php and, it worked. I have no idea what I´ve done for real, was “try and find out”. But works. ONLY FONT, inner sites are not ready yet,… working on design with css… Here the link :slight_smile: Big thanks for this great script :slight_smile:


This was the answer I needed, too. But I noticed while I was editing the default version in the Settings section, I could not modify the subject line. It seems to be static text in edit mode.