I had the following line in my config.php:
@ini_set(‘upload_tmp_dir’,dirname(dirname(FILE)).’/tmp’); if ( @ini_get(‘session.save_handler’) === ‘files’ ) @ini_set(‘session.save_path’,dirname(dirname(FILE)).’/tmp’);
The tmp file referred was owned by the webserver use, so that shouldn’t have been a problem.
BTW. phpList still does not check permissions of the tmp folder. If it’s not writable, admin login is interrupted with no error message.
I remember having some problems in the past in viewing session file contents in my hosting environment. That’s why I added this line.
I removed the the line above and automatic update was successfull. I was on 3.4.3 and the only update option offered was 3.4.7-RC1, though.
Hopefully some of the developers see this and manage to figure out why the above line tin the config.php stops the automatic update.