Import blacklisting

Exept from mysql is there a way to import Blacklisting?

@amsa Can you explain what you are trying to do? What is the reason for wanting to import subscribers who you want to be blacklisted?

@duncanc I got base that aren’t fully import in phplist.

At the same time i checked my base to find unvailable contact from this base.
So now I got a list of wrong emal.
So that’s why i which import this blacklist
First to blacklist contact that is already in the phplist.
And at the same time blacklist other contact to prevent send email if i import them.

@amsa You can import those email addresses normally in phplist, then use the Subscribers plugin to set all those subscribers to be blacklisted. You would need to copy/paste the email addresses or upload a file containing only those email addresses.

Follow the link “Find plugins” on the Manage Plugins page to see the plugins that are available.

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thanks for your answer.