I guess I'm mixing the two. I went to the subscribe web page form just so I can look at the syntax and the available options for the curl command.
I want to use a simple curl.exe command from windows command prompt, that I can call from VFP program after. That part works.
What would be the part after [admin/?page=] in [https://hepsales.hosted.phplist.com/lists/admin/?page=importsimple] if I want to confirmation email to be sent?
What do I replace “importsimple” with if I just want to subscribe just one email address from curl?
curl -v --insecure -F login=email1@hepsales.com -F password=xxxxxxxxxxx -F importcontent=myemail@abc.com -F importlists[2]=2 -F notify=no -F makeconfirmed=0 -F htmlemail=1 -F import=import https://hepsales.hosted.phplist.com/lists/admin/?page=importsimple
works but doesn’t send them confirmation email.