Href link data lost in mails?

Hi there!

I have a problem with phplist messages. All links (href) in mails are send in a weird layout. This problem is not only in the message text but also in header and footer. For example:

phplist footer:
Or you can opt-out completely from all future mailings.

Footer in mail:
Or you can opt-out completely
< >
from all future mailings.

So all href data seems lost? Anyone has a idea what can be causing this problem?

@Caprice It looks like you are either sending or viewing the email in plain text format instead of html.

Yes, but the message format is set on html. Is there a other reason/setting that could trigger phplist to send mails as plain text?

@Caprice each subscriber has a preference to receive html or plain text format.

Haha, perfect! this is actual the solution of my problem. I have a script that is adding members to phplist, in the insert query i didnt set the htmlemail value to 1.
Thank you for your help!