How to call RSS fetching using browser url instead php command?

Hi there!

I have created a cron job, to fetch RSS items, using the example in phplist documentation… something like this:
php /home/username/public_html/newsletter/admin/index.php -p get -m RssFeedPlugin -c /home/username/public_html/newsletter/config/config.php

The problem is… that is not working D-:

In the other hand, I have created a cron job to process queue, and it is like this:
wget -q -O /dev/null"&secret=############" 1>/dev/null 2>/dev/null

That last cron job works ok on our system… so, someone knows the proper way to use the fetching by URL?

This will work ok?
wget -q -O /dev/null"&secret=############" 1>/dev/null 2>/dev/null

@luuuciano The “secret” parameter works only for processbounces and processqueue. But the older method of including the login and password parameters still seems to work,


but there is a security implication of doing that. it is better if you get the cron command using php to work.

Thanks a lot duncanc!
Finaly found the problem, for some odd reason phplist can not handle more than 1 command line admin on config file?
I had admin,username (username is the server user account, the real command runner)…
Then erased admin, (leaving just username)… and now it works!