CRON repeatedly: phpList - Processed 0 out of 2 subscribers

The CRON job
php /home/…/admin/index.php -p
produces a daily e-mail:
phpList - phpList version 3.3.3 © 2000-2018 phpList Ltd,
phpList version 3.3.3 © 2000-2018 phpList Ltd, https://www.phplist.comphpList - 0 bounces to fetch from the mailbox
phpList - reprocessing
phpList - 0 bounces to reprocess
phpList - 0 out of 0 processed
phpList - Identifying consecutive bounces
phpList - Processed 0 out of 2 subscribers
phpList - total of 2 subscribers processed

…where do I find out what it is trying to do so I can help it since I am getting this once a day for a few days now…


…it really only started after upgrading phpList. It was fine in the old version…