»Not allowed to view message xx«

I updated recently to 3.3.6 which works fine so far and offers several usability improvements. Thanks for that! But I am experiencing the following issue: Using the Browser Plugin and the Shortcode [viewbrowser]. When clicking on the link in email newsletter (‘View in browser’) the linked page is not displayed but a blank page with the note »Not allowed to view message 31«. This is happening with a test message. Not sure if that behaviour was the same prior to PHP List 3.3.6 – but I don’t think so. If this would happen with a regular campaign it wasn’t that good …

Did somebody else found the same issue?


@mholfelder There was a recent change to the way that the plugin verifies that a subscriber is allowed to view a particular message.
Previously it allowed a subscriber to view any message, now a subscriber can view only messages that were sent to them or sent to a public list.

When you send a test message you need to ensure that the email address belongs to one of the lists selected for the campaign.

I know this is an older message, but after updating to phplist 3.6.8 I get this same message on my existing links to the archive on my public list. “Not allowed to view campaigns for list 1”

@Seahawk On the Settings page check the value of “Restrict the anonymous page and archive to these list IDs”


Thanks, Duncan. Having a rough day with load-shedding in South Africa. Got that sorted. I still do not know why the View-in-browser disappears after updates.